Exploring the Chakras Through Yoga

Exploring the Chakras Through Yoga

A Path to Inner Harmony

Yoga is more than just physical exercise; it’s a spiritual journey that leads to self-discovery and inner peace. One of the most profound aspects of yoga is the exploration of the chakras, the seven energy centers within our bodies that influence our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By understanding and balancing these chakras through yoga, you can unlock a life of harmony and balance. At Maa Shakti Yog Bali, a leading Yoga Teacher Training School in Ubud, Bali, we specialize in guiding students on this transformative journey through chakra yoga.

What Are Chakras?

The concept of chakras comes from ancient Indian spiritual traditions. The word "chakra" means "wheel" or "disk" in Sanskrit, symbolizing the spinning vortexes of energy located along the spine. These chakras govern different aspects of our lives:

  1. Muladhara (Root Chakra) - Located at the base of the spine, it's associated with grounding, survival, and stability.

  2. Svadhisthana (Sacral Chakra) - Located just below the navel, it governs creativity, sensuality, and emotions.

  3. Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra) - Located in the stomach area, it is the center of personal power, confidence, and self-discipline.

  4. Anahata (Heart Chakra) - Located at the center of the chest, it represents love, compassion, and connection.

  5. Vishuddha (Throat Chakra) - Located at the throat, it's the center of communication, self-expression, and truth.

  6. Ajna (Third Eye Chakra) - Located between the eyebrows, it governs intuition, insight, and imagination.

  7. Sahasrara (Crown Chakra) - Located at the top of the head, it represents spiritual connection, enlightenment, and divine wisdom.

How Yoga Aligns with Chakras

Yoga is a powerful tool for aligning and balancing the chakras. Each chakra resonates with specific yoga poses (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation practices that help to open and balance the flow of energy.

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara): Finding Stability

Key Yoga Poses:

  • Tadasana (Mountain Pose): This foundational pose helps ground your energy, providing stability and balance.

  • Vrksasana (Tree Pose): Enhances focus and balance, deeply connecting you to the earth.


  • Dirga Pranayama (Three-Part Breath): Breathing deeply into the belly can help stabilize and ground your energy.

Meditation Tip:

  • Visualize a red, glowing light at the base of your spine. Feel yourself deeply rooted into the earth, drawing strength and security.

2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): Embracing Creativity and Emotion

Key Yoga Poses:

  • Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose): Opens the hips and pelvis, unlocking creativity and emotional fluidity.

  • Upavistha Konasana (Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend): Releases stored emotions, enhancing your creative energy.


  • Kapalbhati (Skull-Shining Breath): A dynamic technique that energizes the sacral chakra and boosts creative flow.

Meditation Tip:

  • Visualize an orange, swirling light just below your navel. Allow your creativity and emotions to flow freely.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Igniting Personal Power

Key Yoga Poses:

  • Navasana (Boat Pose): Strengthens the core, igniting personal power and confidence.

  • Utkatasana (Chair Pose): Builds inner heat, symbolizing the fiery energy of the solar plexus chakra.


  • Kapalabhati (Breath of Fire): This breath technique energizes the solar plexus, boosting your confidence and willpower.

Meditation Tip:

  • Visualize a bright yellow sun at your solar plexus, radiating warmth and confidence throughout your body.

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata): Opening to Love and Compassion

Key Yoga Poses:

  • Ustrasana (Camel Pose): Opens the heart, allowing love and compassion to flow.

  • Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): Expands the chest, promoting emotional release and openness.


  • Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing): Balances the energy between the heart and mind, fostering peace and compassion.

Meditation Tip:

  • Visualize a green, glowing light in your chest. Allow this light to fill you with love, compassion, and forgiveness.

5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Expressing Your Truth

Key Yoga Poses:

  • Matsyasana (Fish Pose): Opens the throat chakra, encouraging clear communication and self-expression.

  • Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand): Stimulates the throat chakra, clearing any blockages in your ability to express yourself.


  • Ujjayi Breath (Ocean Breath): This breath technique enhances the vibration in the throat, promoting clear and truthful communication.

Meditation Tip:

  • Visualize a blue, swirling energy at your throat, empowering you to speak your truth with clarity and confidence.

6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Enhancing Intuition

Key Yoga Poses:

  • Balasana (Child’s Pose): Encourages introspection and connects you with your inner wisdom.

  • Sukhasana (Easy Pose) with Shambhavi Mudra: Focuses the mind, enhancing intuition and inner sight.


  • Bhramari (Bee Breath): This calming breath stimulates the third eye, enhancing your intuition and insight.

Meditation Tip:

  • Visualize a deep indigo light between your eyebrows, opening your mind to inner wisdom and intuition.

7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Connecting with the Divine

Key Yoga Poses:

  • Sirsasana (Headstand): Stimulates the crown chakra, promoting spiritual connection and enlightenment.

  • Savasana (Corpse Pose): Encourages total relaxation and surrender, connecting you to the infinite universe.


  • Sahaja Pranayama (Spontaneous Breath): Focus on the natural rhythm of your breath, allowing yourself to connect with divine wisdom.

Meditation Tip:

  • Visualize a violet or white light at the crown of your head, connecting you to the universe and divine wisdom.

Conclusion: Your Path to Inner Harmony

Exploring the chakras through yoga is more than just a practice; it’s a journey toward wholeness. By understanding and balancing your chakras, you open yourself to a life of emotional healing, mental clarity, and spiritual growth. At Maa Shakti Yog Bali, we embrace the holistic nature of yoga, guiding our students to explore their inner worlds through chakra alignment and mindfulness practices.

Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? Join us at Maa Shakti Yog Bali in Ubud and discover the power of chakra yoga for yourself.